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Help please! A new bench in Oaklands Park?

I have an elderly neighbour, in her 80s, who has for years taken a constitutional walk up the Park from the Theatre, then on to Havenstoke Park, and then back down the Park on the Broyle Road side.

But these days, she can only get as far as the Rugby Club; and en route, she needs to, rest half way up.

But the two existing benches are too low (14”off the ground) and backless.

So our proposal is to acquire a new bench and position it on the vacant hardstand between these two rather tatty benches, see below.

View northwards to The Rugby Club pavilion at top left.

Vacant concrete hard standing for the benches.

But not any bench will do

The District Council have given permission but stipulate that it must be a particular model, a KC Bench Seat made by David Ogilvie, a company in Kilmarnock, no doubt chosen for its design and durability. Here is an example.

If we want it, we must pay for it, as the Council has no money for it in their budget.

The bench comes with a 25-year guarantee. Its 1500mm long model costs £878.00 + VAT; while the 1800mm long model costs £950.00 + VAT, with, in each case, extra delivery costs of £135 plus VAT.


We have approximately £300 towards this in our general funds, but we’re unsure if local people would support the project and the necessary fundraising.

We would of course apply for grants, but the more we have in our kitty to show commitment, the more likely we are to succeed with such a funding application.

Please have your say, and if interested, please donate/and or pledge a sum to see how far we can get towards our target(s).

I think there is potential for more than one bench.

So … it’s over to you.


If you’d like to make a pledge, then state the sum and email it to

To make a donation, earmark it for this purpose, and ensure we have your name and contact details so we can return your money if we don’t succeed.

I would hope we can install some sort of attribution e.g. an electronic plaque at the very least.

By the way, we are also buying and installing bird boxes, so donations for that purpose, too, would be most welcome!

We bank with Lloyds, Sort Code: 30-99-50 Account: 22978168

Or send a cheque made out to Friends of Oaklands Park, to The Treasurer, 8 St Paul’s Gardens, Chichester, PO19 3BA

David Cooke Treasurer

okpk/park_bench_scheme.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/21 14:43 by Paul Stross

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