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QR codes for Oaklands Park

QR Start Page

The idea is to mark physical objects e.g. trees or structures with web links e.g. using QR codes to give some more interesting information.

To find a page in this website relies on some rather long URL (the unique Web page address as in the browsers address bar above). Turning these directly into QR codes creates rather complex codes with many small squares in the matrix. Shorter URL turn into QR Code size by Max Content with fewer larger squares (and / or better error correction). Demo QR code with analytics on shorter URL can be now made quite easily 2) and allow an arbitrary long URL to be condensed into a shorter one e.g. is now linked to by .
The URL shortening and a standardised SVG 3) QR code generation has been integrated.
A shorter, fixed length URL is much more suitable as it makes for a simpler QR code. These QR codes can then be printed and fixed to an object to link to one of our web pages. When the link is followed and used, they can provide us with some analytics too, as the short code is converted into the long one. Users privacy will be respected.

An automatic 'standardised' .svg QR code with a pale green wash i.e. qr0001.svg
Fig. 1: SVG code to link to QR0001.

Sequential numbering would help to facilitate pre-printed QR plates.

An automatic 'standardised' .svg QR code with a pale green wash i.e. qrver2.svg
Fig. 2: SVG code to link to QRver2.

Analytics means we can monitor QR code click throughs versus number and time. Linking to pages here also means that the resulting text is editable and can be expanded. Reading the text first in the website might prompt a search for the codes in the park.
QR codes could easily form the basis of a 'Treasure Hunt' with each QR code clue also leading to the next one. Other QR Issues for clarification.

Branding, Recognition, Confidence

There is an issue with QR codes linking to websites. There is potential to fear placement of a code with a malicious URL link.
Ideally, before scanning all our site QR codes should be obviously & specifically branded to provide subtle reassurance regarding their provenance.

Background Stuff

All the shortened URL relating to this site will be of the form which means that there are no other unknown or 3rd party servers involved. Your redirect click through data will not be shared or used for any purposes except in relation to providing information or amenity to you for Oaklands Park (or the SRA), i.e. there will be no use for sending spam or marketing.

The open source URL shortener system providing analytics 'YOURLS' is now hosted by me on my own web server at no added cost. There should be no usage limits or caps. We can pre-specify the codes too. These self hosted codes should reassure users that the codes purpose is limited to this site.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a file format that is very suitable for being scaled to any dimension without loss of quality.
okpk/qr/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 14:22 by Paul Stross

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